1.1.7 - November release is on

Check out what's new in the November release

The main improvement in PAPI handles tags management via API new/existing endpoints. With this new feature you will be able to control the grouping of properties of your interest in a programmatically way.

💥 New PAPIs

Two new endpoints are being introduced within this release for managing POIs within account tags:
New! Add POI list to an existing tag - With this new service you can now associate entities to an existing tag.

New! Remove POI list from an existing tag- With this new service you can now detach entities from an existing tag, those entities were associated with.

⇪ Improvements in PAPIs

Update! Create custom POI - This service is enhanced to support upon creation of the new custom POI association with an existing tag.

⇪ Improvement to Chain/Venue multi metrics feed

The weekly aggregation of the Chain/Venue multi metrics feed can now be customized to set the starting day of the week (i.e. Sunday vs. Monday) aggregating data per your needs.