v1.2.0 - Visit duration segmentation

Learn more about how to pull visitation data based on different visit duration segments

What is 'Visit duration'?

Visit Duration indicates the total time, in minutes, that a visitor spends at a location. This measure is essential for understanding visitor behavior at different locations

What is the Default visit duration segment of a POI?

To ensure visitation data accuracy, Placer reports display visitation data that is based on a default visit duration. This means that the data displayed in different reports is based on different visit durations that best reflect the typical behavior of visitors.

The default visit duration is determined by the POI category. For example, visits to a movie theater typically last longer than 10 minutes, whereas visits to a drive-thru are shorter. Therefore, different visit durations are assigned to each category by default, reflecting the typical visitor behavior in that POI.

The Placer.ai team has conducted extensive research to determine the most business-relevant visit durations for each category. Click here to view the default durations for each category.

As of July 2024, Customers may define the visit duration segment to be considered for report generation.

API Configuration for Visit Duration Segmentation

Endpoints supporting the 'dwellTime' filter

Request: Select your desired visit duration in the 'dwellTime' filter.

Response: Outputs reflect either of the following:

  • visitDurationSegmentation: Used when no dwellTime filter is defined and represents the default segment ('under10Min'/ '10MinOrLonger'/ 'allVisits').
  • The dwellTime filter definition that was specified in the request, determining the visits that are included in the response based on their duration.

Ranking and visit-trends report endpoints

Request: A new optional parameter 'visitDurationSegmentation' allows for specifying the desired visit duration segment across all entities. If not specified, the default segment is applied.
Response: The response now includes a 'visitDurationSegmentation' parameter that indicates the visit duration segment used in report generation.