The create Custom POI endpoint can be used to generate custom POIs by specifying the unique polygons to analyze.
The Custom POI can be generated by either specifying the combination of centroid (lng, lat) and mile radius to draw the POI's area, or by using GEOJson which includes a list of all polygon GEO points (lng, lat).
This endpoint runs duplication checks on each call in order to ensure that the same Custom POI is not created more than once. If a Custom POI is already created the return code will display a wrong request (http-code=400) specifying the previously created API ID.
Please be aware that creating custom POIs might take longer than 30 seconds, which falls within the timeout window. During such occurrences, the HTTP response code will be 202 (i.e., In progress), along with the apiId of the partially created POI. You can monitor the creation status by querying the Get Custom POI endpoint.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!