Brand Dominance

Use the Brand Dominance Data Feed to analyze Retail Chains dominance over specific regions (Zipcodes/States) over time.

The feed includes the data used to produce the Brand Dominance map, in digestible CSV files format.


How to get access?

Contact or your account manager to enable the data-feed.

Files Delivery

Once enabled, files will be uploaded to your cloud bucket (AWS/GCS) or SFTP server (see Delivery Details for further details) once a month.

  • Files will be located under this path:
    - upload date, example: 2020-01-11
    <region_resolution> - Currently 3 regions are supported: nationwide, state, zipcode; Each delivery will include historical files for all 3 resolutions divided into these folders.

  • Delivery is done until the 11th of each month, each delivery includes full data-history going back to 2017.

  • A unique CSV file will be produced per month, e.g. the file for October 2020 with a State level resolution will be named: "brand_dominance_state_2020-10-01_2020-11-01.csv"

  • Each file is GZip compressed


Data Retention and Usage

Placer's algorithms and data constantly improve, therefore we include all the history in every monthly export. We strongly suggest not to use data provided in old exports with new ones to avoid data anomalies.

Schema Overview - Nationwide

The Schema of the CSV files located under the nationwide folder. Each raw provides monthly chain Ranking and Foottraffic data.

idPlacer's Chain IDstring'59ae96a9173f562d3c355488'
nameChain namestring'Dick's Sporting Goods'
categoryChain Categorystring'Apparel'
sub_categoryChain Sub-categorystring'Sporting Goods Shop'
brand_groupUsed for comparison of chains ranking and visit share.
Note: This field may change from time to time.
string'Sporting Goods'
time_frameData aggregation resolution. Supported values: 'monthly'.string'monthly'
start_dateData start date.ISO-86012020-10-01
end_dateData end date (inclusive)ISO-86012020-10-31
chain_foottrafficEstimated chain foot-trafficnumber138489
chain_rankThe chains rank (based on foot-traffic) - compared to other chains under the same brand_groupnumber1
visit_shareThe chains visit share percentage out of the total estimated foot-traffic per brand grouppercent0.17
region_brand_group_foottrafficThe total estimated foot-traffic per brand groupnumber825253

Schema Overview - State

The schema of the CSV files located under the state folder. Each raw provides monthly chain Ranking and Foottraffic data.

idPlacer's Chain IDstring'59ae96a9173f562d3c355488'
nameChain namestring'Dick's Sporting Goods'
categoryChain Categorystring'Apparel'
sub_categoryChain Sub-categorystring'Sporting Goods Shop'
brand_groupUsed for comparison of chains ranking and visit share.
Note: This field may change from time to time.
string'Sporting Goods'
stateState namestring'Alabama'
time_frameData aggregation resolution. Supported values: 'monthly'.string'monthly'
start_dateData start date.ISO-86012020-10-01
end_dateData end date (inclusive)ISO-86012020-10-31
chain_foottrafficEstimated chain foot-trafficnumber21856393
chain_rankThe chains rank (based on foot-traffic) - compared to other chains under the same brand_groupnumber1
visit_shareThe chains visit share percentage out of the total estimated foot-traffic per brand grouppercent0.31
region_brand_group_foottrafficThe total estimated foot-traffic per brand groupnumber69868752

Schema Overview - Zipcode

The schema of the CSV files located under the zipcode folder. Each raw provides monthly chain Ranking and Foottraffic data.

idPlacer's Chain IDstring'59ae96a9173f562d3c355488'
nameChain namestring'Dick's Sporting Goods'
categoryChain Categorystring'Apparel'
sub_categoryChain Sub-categorystring'Sporting Goods Shop'
brand_groupUsed for comparison of chains ranking and visit share.
Note: This field may change from time to time.
string'Sporting Goods'
stateState namestring'Alabama'
countyCounty namestring'Winston County'
cityCity namestring'Addison'
zipcodeZipcode numbernumber35540
time_frameData aggregation resolution. Supported values: 'monthly'.string'monthly'
start_dateData start date.ISO-86012020-10-01
end_dateData end date (inclusive)ISO-86012020-10-31
chain_foottrafficEstimated chain foot-trafficnumber456
chain_rankThe chains rank (based on foot-traffic) - compared to other chains under the same brand_groupnumber1
visit_shareThe chains visit share percentage out of the total estimated foot-traffic per brand grouppercent0.46
region_brand_group_foottrafficThe total estimated foot-traffic per brand groupnumber984

Schema - Chain Coverage

Each export folder will include the current chain-coverage, i.e. Placer venue level coverage compare to the number of venues report by the chain's official website.

idPlacer's Chain IDstring'59ae96a9173f562d3c355488'
nameChain namestring'Dick's Sporting Goods'
categoryChain Categorystring'Apparel'
sub_categoryChain Sub-categorystring'Sporting Goods Shop'
brand_groupUsed for comparison of chains ranking and visit share.
Note: This field may change from time to time.
string'Sporting Goods'
coveragePlacer's coverage compare to the official number of venuespercent0.9


Use the following files to review the delivery format structure.
The actual delivery will include more data (more history/chains/regions).
Link to Sample file