Same-Store Visits
The Same-Store Visits Feed provides year-over-year foot traffic changes on a weekly or monthly basis for a consistent set of chain stores at the national or state level. It showcases organic growth over a 13-month period and excludes traffic from newly opened stores. Use this feed to get a leading indication for chain performance, helping you enhance financial analyses and gain a competitive edge.
Configuration aspect | Available options descriptions |
Data granularity | Weekly, Monthly |
File formats | CSV and Parquet |
Metrics selection | Same-store insights metrics including the cohort venues count, visits generated during the current and previous periods and the YoY ratio. |
Feeds time frame | The feed’s timeframe can be configured to any period within the last 3 years. |
Delivery methods | Please refer to the following Delivery Details for all supported delivery options. |
Delivery Schedule | Here is the delivery scheduling for each of the available feeds: Weekly: Delivered each Wednesday Monthly: Delivered on the 6th of each month |
Deliverables and Schemas
Please refer to the definition and structure of the metrics file:
Column | Description | Type | Example |
publication_date | Data publication date | ISO-8601 date | 2023-01-01 |
version_code | Data version code | string | 2.1.0 |
id | Placer's entity ID | string | '591db4d8173f565cba6b6fd9' |
name | The name of the chain | string | 'McDonalds' |
type | Entity type. Supported entity types: 'chain'. | string | 'chain' |
time_frame | Data aggregation resolution. Supported values: 'weekly' and 'monthly'. | string | 'monthly' |
start_date | Data start date. | ISO-8601 date | 2024-04-15 |
end_date | Data end date (inclusive) | ISO-8601 date | 2024-04-15 |
region_type | The type of the chain's region. Supporting only 'nationwide' and 'state' types of regional chains. | string | 'state' |
region_name | The name of the chain's region. | string | 'California' |
region_code | The code of the chain's region. | string | 'CA' |
ticker_symbol | The stock exchange ticker symbol | string | 'MCD' |
same_store_visits | The total estimated visits generated by the set of “same stores” between start and end dates | long | 471133095 |
same_store_visits_prev_year | The total estimated visits generated by the set of “same stores” in the same data period in the previous year | long | 428157654 |
same_store_yoy_pct_change | The % difference generated by the set of “same stores” between start and end dates, and the same data period in the previous year | float | 10.0372937 |
same_store_count | The number of entities included in the same store subset for this month/week | int | 1200 |
Sample files
Grow and expand
Follow our announcements regarding additional attributes (metadata) and metrics.
New metadata attributes will be announced and delivered to you once released.
Please contact your customer support manager to receive new/additional metrics as part of your feed.
Columns order
Please be aware that the order of columns may change slightly due to the continuous addition of data to the export and its associated metadata.
Privacy comes first
Placer is a privacy-first company, and like all our product this feed conforms to our privacy policy as is described in our Trust Center. In situations where the content of this feed conflicts with our privacy policy, the conflicting data points will be redacted from the files. Sparsely populated CBGs may not be included in the feed to align with Placer’s privacy policy.
Updated 10 days ago