Chain/Venue Multi-Metrics


Placer will upload your feeds to your bucket in the schema detailed below on a daily/weekly basis.


Configuration aspectAvailable options descriptions
Data granularityDaily, Weekly (supporting custom weeks aggregation), and Monthly
File formatsCSV and PARQUET
RegionsThe following regions can be selected for the different regional chains:
- Nationwide
- State
Feeds time frameThe feed can be set to start at any desired start date (most earlier can be set to 1.1.2017) till the latest data date.
Delivery methodsPlease refer to the following Delivery Details for all supported delivery options for this feed.
Delivery ScheduleHere is the delivery scheduling for each of the available feeds:
Daily: Every day at 7 am EST
Weekly: Delivered each Wednesday
Monthly: Delivered on the 6th of each month
Control filesSupported
Success fileSupported
Amazon SNS notificationSupported

Deliverables and Schemas

Chain/venue multi-metrics

Please refer to the definition and structure of the metrics file:

publication_dateData publication dateISO-86012020-08-01
version_codeCalibration version codestring1.0.0
idPlacer's entity IDstring'5965fca0173f564b883c222e'
nameEntity namestring'Mcdonald's'
typeEntity type. Supported entity types: venue, complex, chain, and billboard.string'venue'
time_frameData aggregation resolution. Supported values: 'daily', 'weekly', and 'monthly'.string'daily'
start_dateData start date.ISO-86012018-04-15
end_dateData end date (inclusive)ISO-86012018-04-15
region_type'nationwide', 'state', 'dma' and 'cbsa' are supported.

Note: CBSA is the union of MSAs & micro-MSAs
region_nameRegion's namestring'California'
region_codeRegion's codestring'CA'
latThe entity's latitude.
Only available for entities of type 'venue' or 'complex
lngThe entity's longitude.
Only available for entities of type 'venue' or 'complex
ticker_symbolThe stock exchange ticker symbolstring'MCD'
company_nameIf available, the parent company chain name.string'Mcdonald's'
New! DV 2.0
This column displays the default segmentation of visit duration set for the analyzed Point of Interest (POI). The values within this column may fall into one of the following categories:

- 'under_10_min'
- '10_min_or_longer'
- 'all_visits'

These values will be populated by March 31st. Until then, this column will remain empty.
foottrafficEstimated foot-traffic in the location during the relevant time frame. Foot-traffic is extrapolated from the panel_visits.long5000000
(multiple columns)
The accumulative foot traffic generated by customer who live within 'X' miles of the property.
Includes a column per distance(mi) as follows: 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 30, 50, 100, 250, 250+
Example: 'home_distance
_estimated_foottraffic_50' means the sum of foot traffic generated by customers who live within 50 miles of the property
(multiple columns)
The percentage of foot traffic generated by customer who live within 'X' miles of the property.
Includes a column per distance(mi) as follows: 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 30, 50, 100, 250, 250+
(multiple columns)
The accumulative foot traffic generated by customer who work within 'X' miles of the property.
Includes a column per distance(mi) as follows: 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 30, 50, 100, 250, 250+
(multiple columns)
The percentage of foot traffic generated by customer who work within 'X' miles of the property.
Includes a column per distance(mi) as follows: 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 30, 50, 100, 250, 250+
foottraffic_per_sqftThe number of visits at the property during the relevant time frame by its size (square footage)double10.91

POI Metadata

Please refer to the following page for the POI metadata schema.

Sample files

Sample #1 - Daily Chain-level data for Walmart Supercenter, Only January 2017 - CSV formatted

Sample #2 - Weekly Venue-level data for a selected Applebee's store in Q1/Q2 2017 - CSV formatted

Sample #3 - PARQUET formatted


Privacy comes first

Placer is a privacy-first company, and like all our products this feed conforms to our privacy policy as is described in our Trust Center. In situations where the content of this feed conflicts with our privacy policy, the conflicting data points will be redacted from the files.